Hierdie "Lockdown" tydperk hou vir ons almal uitdagings in. Veral die besighede beleef groot uitdagings om staande te bly.

Daarom is hierdie artikel hier om jou te help, ondersteun en te bemoedig waar moontlik met toerusting tot jou beskikking in hierdie moeilike tyd. Kyk gerus na die verskillende moontlikhede om jou besigheid en werkers te help.

Indien jy ander toerustingtot jou beskikking het wat jy graag met ander wil deel, Kontak ons by bediening@pvr.co.za sodat ons jou raad en wenke ook hier kan byvoeg.

Covid19 Relief Registry

Various relief programmes & mechanisms have been launched by both Government and Private Sector [with additional ones being announced regularly].

We have categorized these various programmes & mechanisms as follows:
SME Relief Funding; Essential Services; SARS; Employees; Individuals

Please Note:
Some of these programmes are still under development, they typically go through the phases of announcement, then development, then operationalization [processing applications]. If an application mechanism doesn’t exist right now then check back regularly as this page is updated continuously…

There is a lot of frustration & uncertainty about the difficulties in finding these programmes [or their webpage] or how each one works or how to apply or …

Here’s some perspective on this:

What is happening ..?
* In effect, a bomb went off unlike anything that any person, company or government could have ever been prepared for …
With things unfolding and escalating so rapidly – those Government and Private Sector entities are needing to create & operationalize these programmes in days/weeks, with what should usually reasonably take many months.
* So understandably, there will be “delays” or things not working properly or lack of answers or …
* There’s no point saying you should be patient – it’s hard being patient in this context. But perhaps, the perspective that if we need others to empathize with us – then we also have to empathize with others [yes, even our government].

Should you apply or get your external accountant to apply ?
* ONLY apply if your business absolutely needs the relief from any of these programs. These Programmes all have constrained resources (whether cash, assessing capacity or processing capacity) – so do not clog the system or deprive SMEs weaker than yours, if you do not truly need it.
* If you absolutely have zero capacity or competency [know-how] to apply yourself – then rather than not applying, outsource to your external accountant to apply for the various relevant relief programmes/mechanisms.
* But, our suggestion is for you – to do these applications yourself/internally. The reason is that your external accountants might be doing this [and following up] for dozens/hundreds of their clients – and that has its own capacity constraints.

To what degree & timing of these relief programmes - should you rely on ?
* Given the challenges & constraints we stated earlier – there will understandably be backlogs and teething problems with some of the programmes.
* Therefore, manage your expectations accordingly – and do not place too much reliance on the timing or probability in your forecasting scenarios.

Kruideniersware vir Werkers

Hier is nuttige inligting waarmee jy van jou werkers of ander mense wat jy van bewus is kan help om toegang te kry tot kosvoorraad. Ons groot uitdaging is om die 10 miljoen mense wat afhanklik is vir vandag se werk om môre te eet deur die kwarantyn te kry. Hoor by jou huiswerker, tuinwerker of ander arbeiders en stuur die vir hulle aan. Dankie aan Coenraad Smit vir die inligting.

Webinar: COVID 19 – Remuneration and leave during the lockdown and the OHS Act and COVID 19

Free Webinar: 09 April 2020
Time: 13:00 until 15;00
Duration: 2 Hours

Remuneration during the lockdown:
Do I have to pay my employees?
UIF Disaster Benefit Fund.
Annual leave during lockdown?
Public holidays during the lockdown?

After the lockdown:
What if I have no work for the employees?
Temporary Layoff.
Forced annual leave.
Self-isolation and sick leave?

OHS Act and COVID 19
Health and Safety Legislation in South Africa
Scope and application
Applicable terms and definitions
The employer’s obligation
Workplace Preparedness: COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-19 virus)
Employees obligations
Impact on other affected parties like contractors, visitors and suppliers

Business Partners se Bystandfonds

Een van ons lidmate het hierdie skakel aangestuur. Hy ken vir Arno, met wie die onderhoud gevoer is, persoonlik en kan hom aanbeveel vir hulp en raad vir die eienaars van besighede wat aansoeke moet indien.
Business Partners se R1 miljard SME COVID-19 -bystandsfonds het omlangs geloods.
Ek gesels met Arno Jansen Van Vuuren van StratLaw (www.stratlaw.co.za) oor:
1. Wie aansoek kan doen;
2. Waarvoor jy aansoek kan doen en;
3. Hoe jy aansoek kan doen

Vrae Aangaande Corona en Werk

These graphics unpack answers to the most commonly asked questions we have been receiving regarding workplace and labour law during the lockdown.
For more info, you can re-watch our labour-law edition of CoronaCast, when we chatted to labour law expert Michael Bagraim MP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TQRfY2PxdLg&feature=emb_logo

Rupert se Besigheidsfonds

Nog belangrike inligting vir sakelui en besigheidseienaars. Weereens dankie aan Jeanette Coetzee vir die inligting.
Vir inligting oor die Rupert funding en hoe om daarvoor aansoek te doen, lees hierdie artikel

Opperheimer se Besigheidsfonds

Sakelui en besigheidseienaars neem kennis. Dankie Jeanette Coetzee vir hierdie inligting.
Die Oppenheimer relief programme word die SAFT funding genoem. Hier is 'n artikel wat meer oor die funding uiteensit en verduidelik hoe om daarvoor aansoek te doen.

SUKUMA Relief Programme vir Sole Proprietors en Close Corporations

Vir ons klein-sakelui. Maak gebruik van die portaal. Kry jou aansoek in, wat ons kry, dit kry ons.

Afleggings Dalk in Jou Besigheid se Toekoms?

Vir ons sakemense en diegene wat moontlike afleggings in die gesig staar:
Linda Senekal van Solidariteit het op 26 Maart die volgende boodskap op ‘n WhatsApp groep geplaas:
“Stuur my jou epos adres dan stuur ek jou al die uif vorms en proses.”
Haar besonderhede is as volg:
E-pos: lindas@solidariteit.co.za
Selnr: 081 539 0812

Nog om na te kyk


Suid Afrika